【ICS】Thirteen papers accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of Academy for Chinese Communication Society, 2022.


Thirteen papers by 38 members of the Institute of Communication were accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of Chinese Communication Society, 2022.

More information (in Chinese) about the accepted research papers can be found at: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/tais/conference/News.asp


[12/3 Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World

[Dec 03 (Tue) Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World|Ting-Wei Chang|Gender OPEN MIC, Open Your Mind|LACSPEC A-Wei’s morning begins with a mirror. At the vanity table, ze carefully shapes hir brows and selects a lipstick that matches hir mood.