Construct Taiwanese Healthy Dietary Pattern: Linear Programming Approach
2022 NYCU SDGs 學生海報競賽第二名
2022 NYCU SDGs 學生海報競賽第二名
結合科技與自然的聲音作品是這幾年來聲音藝術家施梅紛的主要創作風格, 也因此意外成了謬思的忠實信徒。 許多人所知繆思是希臘神話中代表藝術的女神, 殊不知九位女神除了藝術領域, 也職掌代表科技與自然的幾何學與天文學, 預言了當代的人類藝術發展走向。 在本場講座中講者分享自身創作經歷, 透過科技觀察聲音藝術模式的改變, 期待從自然生態聲響強化人類與土地的連結, 並且更近一步喚醒人與自身內在的對話。
Since the 70s, Rohingyas have been fleeing to various countries to escape ethnic discrimination, military impetuosity, persecution, and human rights violations in Myanmar. A Buddhist-Muslim divide developed after Myanmar’s independence, resulting in a conflict between Rakhine Buddhist communities and Rohingyas, which intensified to unprecedented levels and culminated in the “state-sponsored massive violence.” It is not only Myanmar, but also in their asylum countries such as Bangladesh and India, where the Rohingyas find themselves subjected to discrimination and violations of their human rights. 自七十年代起,羅興亞人(Rohingyas)在緬甸一直面對種族歧視、軍事驅逐等人權侵害,因而流亡於不同國家。佛教與穆斯林的分歧在緬甸獨立後日益嚴重,形成若開佛教社群(Rakhine Buddhist Commumities)與羅興亞人的衝突,甚至上升至國家縱容的暴力。這種情況不僅限於緬甸,同時亦在其庇護國如印度和巴格達等出現,讓羅興亞人面臨嚴重的歧視與人權問題。
// Soft: Doc 軟紀錄片影研會——超剪:語言之後 ...
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