
本年度第一場校內永續發展 (SDGs) 議題webinar 將於03/29(三) 15:00辦理。
講題為:「6G 興旺 永續未來」,由本校電機學院院長王蒞君教授擔任主講人,敬邀師長同學撥冗參與。

主題Title: 6G 興旺 永續未來  “6G wireless for SDGs”
活動日期Time:2023.03.29(Wed.)15:00 p.m. ~ 16:00 p.m.
(本次 webinar 以  google meet 會議室辦理 ,請先完成線上報名,會議室連結
主講人Presenter: 電機學院  王蒞君院長  Professor Li-Chun Wang
主持人Host:永續發展暨社會責任推動辦公室 許銘能執行長

6G communication system and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) all target 2030. Although the relationship between 6G and SDG is not currently well defined yet, both SDG and 6G cover a wide range of the same topics that can share the mutually reinforcing forces, such as energy saving and smart cities. In this talk, we introduce the vision of 6G and its relations to UN SDGs through a set of indicators. This measuring tool for data collection can help build a 6G ecosystem in line with the UN SDGs. We will show some 6G technologies, such as novel cellular architecture and radio resource management, that can be incorporated towards reaching the UN SDGs.
