The staff dormitory in the school consists of six dormitory areas: the Jiangong, Delin, Boai, Kowloon, Xuefu Road, and Daxue Road staff dormitories. The 1st Graduate Dormitory also has two single rooms. The dormitories cover an area of approximately 349,533.63 ft2 and have 22 buildings in total, including approximately 161 single-room units and 124 multi-room units. Three of the buildings are 30–39 years old, six are 40 years old, and 13 are 50 years old. The school evaluates the condition of the buildings annually and allocates a budget for maintenance to provide faculty and staff with safe and affordable accommodation.
The staff dormitory’s rent depends on the age of the building, its condition, and size (the floor area of multi-room units and single rooms differ). A multi-room unit costs NT$1,602–4,490, whereas a single room costs NT$608–4,225. As tenants are provided with accommodation that is not only budget friendly and close to campus but has a quiet environment and convenient transportation connections, the units are highly popular among faculty and staff and have a high occupancy rate.