



IACS & IICS UST Freshman Orientation & Faculty Reunion 2021

Date:Sep 11th , 2021
Zoom link:


You are cordially invited to attend the 2021 online Newcomer Students Orientation and Faculty Reunion of the IACS & IICS_UST on September 11th, 2021.

Over the past years, we have had 101 students enrolled from 18 countries (38 local students & 63 international students). There are 28 graduates already, and 13 new students to join us this year. We also have the pleasure to announce that we have 87 colleagues from the four universities of UST, including 11 new colleagues from National Chengchi University, joining our IACS program starting from September 2021.

We shall appreciate your presence.

Joyce C.H. Liu
Director, International Institute for Cultural Studies, UST
Director, International Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, UST


Time & Agenda

✑ 13:00-13:10
⤏ 報到 Registration
✑ 13:10-13:20
⤏ 歡迎暨來賓介紹
  Introduction & Welcome
✑ 13:20-13:40
⤏ 貴賓致詞 Guest Remarks
✑ 13:40-14:20
⤏ 新生自我介紹
  IACS Freshmen Self-Introduction
✑ 14:20-14:50
⤏ 文化研究國際中心及亞際學程介紹
  IICS & IACS Overview
✑ 14:50-16:00
⤏ 五個校區辦公室介紹
  Introduction to the 5 Campus Offices
✑ 16:00-16:20
⤏ 學生經驗分享 Student Experience Sharing
✑ 16:20-17:00
⤏ Q&A
✑ 17:00-17:10
⤏ 閉幕致詞 Closing Remarks
