


「衝突、正義與解殖:亞際社會批判研究」計畫 Conflict, Justice, Decolonization:
Critical Studies of Inter-Asian Societies Project



Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to Conflict, Justice, Decolonization – a student-led project that focuses on the critical study of inter-Asian societies.

徵稿主題: 當代社會的媒體

Topic of Interest:
Media in Contemporary Society

Jim Morrison那句著名的話:「誰控制了媒體,誰就控制了心靈」,似乎很適合形容我們當下的社會。媒體左右公眾輿論和態度,在形塑當代社會和國際關係上扮演重要角色。媒體同時鞏固或削弱社會:它或是保障公眾利益與公民權利的監督者,或是在特定政治影響下扭曲事實的監控者。



Jim Morrison’s famous quote: “whoever controls the media, controls the mind”, seems perfectly fit to describe contemporary society. The media plays a crucial role in shaping contemporary society and international relations as it influences public opinion and attitude. The media simultaneously strengthens and weakens society as it may act as a watchdog to secure public interests and citizens’ rights or distort reality under certain political influences.

Moreover, with the arrival of new media, particularly social media, our socio-cultural and political life has shifted and even transformed. Social media allows for the decentralization of power and increases the visibility of ordinary citizens and marginalized groups, but it also gives another space for discriminatory and illegal practices. Social media algorithms also produce filter bubbles that create sets of information, forming and reinforcing various perspectives on what is happening in the world and how society should work. This has been exceptionally visible during the COVID-19 pandemic as we have been experiencing an infodemic of COVID-19 information and misinformation, causing confusion and distress in society.

We invite everyone interested in social sciences, media and communication studies, cultural studies, and other academic disciplines to submit papers from various interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

Main Submission Streams:

  • 媒介理論 Media Theory 
  • 媒體與新冠疫情
    Media & COVID-19 Pandemic 
  • 媒體與運動 Media & Activism 
  • 媒體、宣傳與假消息
    Media, Propaganda & Misinformation 
  • 媒體、藝術與文化
    Media, Art & Culture 
  • 社交媒體與社會
    Social Media & Society 


Articles should be 2,000 – 3,000 words if written in English and 3,000 – 4,500 characters if written in Mandarin Chinese. We accept scholarly articles, conference reviews, interviews, photo essays, video essays, book and film reviews. We welcome both single-authored and co-authored manuscripts.







Interested contributors are requested to fill out the application form provided by ICCS.

寫作要求 Manuscript Specifications

  1. 摘要字數要求為,英文300-400字,中文450-600字。提交摘要的截止時間為2021年10月15日
    The abstracts’ length should be 300 – 400 words for English papers and 450 – 600 characters for papers written in Mandarin. The deadline for abstract submission is October 15, 2021.
  2. 申請時不必提交全文。
  3. 摘要被接受的作者在提交全文時,需附兩張相關圖片,一張為封面圖,另一張為文章配圖。
    When submitting the completed manuscript, authors are expected to include two relevant images and their web links. One image will serve as a cover image and one as a body image.
  4. 請注意:所有圖片須有圖片網址,並需取得版權。我們建議作者可使用Flickr等提供受保護版權的圖片網站。敬請參考我們建議的寫作格式範本
    NB: PLEASE ENSURE THAT IMAGES ARE COPYRIGHT FREE. We recommend searching for images on Flickr or other image depository sites. Please follow this link for an exemplary CJD article: Exemplary Article
  5. 被接受的文章會發表在「衝突、正義與解殖:亞際社會批判研究計劃」(CJD)平台上(ISSN:2709-5479)以及由CJD出版的特刊(ISSN: 2709-7943)。如果作者居住在台灣並擁有台灣的銀行帳戶,我們將提供每篇文章4000台幣之稿酬。
    Selected articles will be published on the CJD website (ISSN: 2709-5479) and in a special issue of our booklet (ISSN: 2709-7943). Authors of selected articles with a Taiwanese post office bank account will be awarded 4,000 NTD per article.
  6. 有任何問題,敬請訪問我們的網站,或寄送電子郵件至iccs.cjdproject@gmail.com
    For any questions or inquiries, please visit https://cjdproject.web.nctu.edu.tw/ or contact us at iccs.cjdproject@gmail.com.
CJD Project Booklet Publishing
