【CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS】【更新主題演講】(Update on Keynote Speeches) ACS 2023夏季學校:21世紀的解殖計畫 ACS Institute 2023: De-colonization in the 21st Century

各位學界先進,大家好, 很高興在此宣布文化研究國際中心將於2...

Continue Reading 【CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS】【更新主題演講】(Update on Keynote Speeches) ACS 2023夏季學校:21世紀的解殖計畫 ACS Institute 2023: De-colonization in the 21st Century



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多物種研究群系列演講之六——「雲豹」的學名、俗名與魯凱排灣名:我們與「雲豹」的距離 Environmental & Multispecies In/Justice VI : From neofelis nebulosa, clouded leopard to likulau: how to make kins with an unfamiliar animal?


Continue Reading 多物種研究群系列演講之六——「雲豹」的學名、俗名與魯凱排灣名:我們與「雲豹」的距離 Environmental & Multispecies In/Justice VI : From neofelis nebulosa, clouded leopard to likulau: how to make kins with an unfamiliar animal?