【11/9-實體+線上】多物種研究群系列演講之五—— 當代繆思-從音樂、科技到自然聲景 Environmental & Multispecies In/Justice V : Muses of our Time: Music, Technology, Natural Soundscape

結合科技與自然的聲音作品是這幾年來聲音藝術家施梅紛的主要創作風格, 也因此意外成了謬思的忠實信徒。 許多人所知繆思是希臘神話中代表藝術的女神, 殊不知九位女神除了藝術領域, 也職掌代表科技與自然的幾何學與天文學, 預言了當代的人類藝術發展走向。 在本場講座中講者分享自身創作經歷, 透過科技觀察聲音藝術模式的改變, 期待從自然生態聲響強化人類與土地的連結, 並且更近一步喚醒人與自身內在的對話。

Continue Reading 【11/9-實體+線上】多物種研究群系列演講之五—— 當代繆思-從音樂、科技到自然聲景 Environmental & Multispecies In/Justice V : Muses of our Time: Music, Technology, Natural Soundscape

2021-2022 YEAR BOOK International Center for Cultural Studies, ICCS-NYCU & IICS-UST / 2021-2022 年刊「陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心」(ICCS-NYCU)與「台灣聯合大學系統文化研究國際中心」(IICS_UST)

2021-2022 年刊「陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心」與「台灣聯合大學系統文化研究國際中心」

Continue Reading 2021-2022 YEAR BOOK International Center for Cultural Studies, ICCS-NYCU & IICS-UST / 2021-2022 年刊「陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心」(ICCS-NYCU)與「台灣聯合大學系統文化研究國際中心」(IICS_UST)

Sentience Beyond the Human 多物種感知國際工作坊側記 – Session Two

What does the non-human world have to say to us, and how do we listen? Facing an uncertain future, one situated within the Anthropocene, we must critically examine how we situate ourselves with our earthly co-inhabitants. This involves working with non-anthropocentric viewpoints, and questioning our inherent assumptions of non-human “sentience(s)” politically, historically, and relationally. This event report seeks to offer a succinct account of four different (but interrelated) perspectives, pointing to more-than-human viewpoints. The talks, presented at a workshop held at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-Lab) 臺灣當代文化實驗場, engaging with investigations in environmental humanities, animal studies, media, international law, sensory anthropology, and history. And, as the conference program rightly explains, exploring ’pathways toward ecological togetherness beyond the apocalyptic imagination of Anthropocene futures’ is the central idea presented. With this in mind, this report discusses the second session of the workshop, introducing their contents and conclusions. Additionally, this piece contains a brief discussion section further summarizing and fleshing out the points made above. Due to space considerations, this report emphasizes some details over others. Therefore, I invite readers to consult the above scholar’s published works on the subject.

Continue Reading Sentience Beyond the Human 多物種感知國際工作坊側記 – Session Two

Sentience Beyond the Human 多物種感知國際工作坊側記 – Session One

Sentience Beyond the Human was a one-day workshop taking place at Taiwan Contemporary Cultural Lab in July 2022. The first session invited four speakers to talk about their research of non-human sentients in various contexts. Dr. Francesca Tarocco is a Professor of Buddhist Studies and director of THE NEW INSTITUTE Center for Environmental Humanities (NICHE) at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her presentation was titled “Non-human Personhood across Buddhist Imaginaries: Vegetarianism and the Protection of Sentient Beings in Modern China.” Gina Song is a PhD Candidate at the Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies at Lund University. She presented “From Compassion to Liberation: The ‘New’ Vegan Movement in Taiwan.” Dr. Francis Maravillas is Assistant Professor of Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art at NTUE. He introduced “Eating Well in the More-than-human World: Notes on the Food Aesthetics and Politics of Food in Contemporary Indonesian Art.” Artist TziMei Li presented her experimental project at Taiwan Contemporary Cultural Lab in 2021, called “The possibility of feeling with non-human beings.” Dr. Yenling Tsai is associate Professor from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at NYCU. She was the moderator of the first session.

Continue Reading Sentience Beyond the Human 多物種感知國際工作坊側記 – Session One