The “Friendly Campus Week” is a series of activities planned by NYCU Military Education Office that not only promotes the concepts of “anti-bullying and anti-drug” and “gender equality”, but also plans firearms shooting range activities to promote national defense education. Through the promotion of these activities, students can have a deeper understanding of issues such as drug abuse, bullying, and gender equality, and apply them in their lives.
Dec. 4 (Wed.)Lecture in Mandarin:The Lost River: Stories Remembered by the Jhihben Wetlands
[Dec 4 (Wed)] Lecture in Mandarin: The Lost River: Stories Remembered by the Jhihben Wetlands |Huang Han-Yau|SDG15-3 Plants and Ecosystems Series|LACSPEC “That vast alluvial fan, steeped in history / A marsh where water and words settle into sediment. That river that bears Taitung / The memories of this island’s coastal plains. Sometimes it