Achieve dormitory autonomy


The NYCU Housing Center aims to make the daily operations of dormitories more student-focused by encouraging resident students to participate in dormitory affairs through the Student Dormitory Committee and the Student Union. This participation includes amending the relevant dormitory regulations and holding public hearings or forums on important dormitory issues to realize the principles of dormitory autonomy and democratic rule of law. The following are some examples:

1. Encouraging Student Participation in Student Dormitory Committee:

Members of the Student Dormitory Committee are eligible for financial incentives and recognition based on their level of involvement in Student Dormitory Committee affairs, in addition to securing their dormitory bed space. This is to encourage active participation of dormitory residents in the Student Dormitory Committee.

2. Participation in Daily Dormitory Affairs:
The Student Dormitory Committee and the Student Union can participate in the daily operations and provide suggestions, such as monthly dormitory working meetings. These meetings cover issues related to utilities, maintenance and repairs, environmental hygiene, bed management, dormitory procurement, and other operational issues. Members of the Student Dormitory Committee are also actively involved in dormitory check-in and check-out procedures, as well as regular dormitory inspections and other important dormitory affairs.
3. Establishment of Dormitory-Related Regulations:
Representatives appointed by members of the Student Dormitory Committee can participate directly in the Dormitory Management Committee meetings to amend dormitory regulations related to dormitory allocation, check-in and check-out procedures, dormitory agreements, and other relevant dormitory laws and regulations.

4. Holding Public Hearings or Forums on Major Dormitory Issues:
To ensure comprehensive communication with dormitory residents in the promotion of dormitory services, the management unit, in collaboration with the Student Dormitory Committee or the Student Union, organizes public hearings or forums before implementing major dormitory services. This is done to gather opinions from dormitory residents and engage in bilateral communication to explain the promotion of dormitory services and to make policy adjustments based on feedback from public hearings or forums. Examples of such events include the public hearing on the rise of dormitory fees in November 2022, the public hearing on the housing rights of subsidized students in March 2023, and the public hearing on gender-segregated accommodation in Male Dormitory II in May 2023.



[12/3 Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World

[Dec 03 (Tue) Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World|Ting-Wei Chang|Gender OPEN MIC, Open Your Mind|LACSPEC A-Wei’s morning begins with a mirror. At the vanity table, ze carefully shapes hir brows and selects a lipstick that matches hir mood.