Since 2018, the university has become the 50th international partner of the UK Advance HE. It is the only university in Taiwan that conducts systematic training and certification in accordance with international professional standards for higher education teaching. It combines international higher education theories and trends with the current situation of higher education in Taiwan and actual cases and assists about 50 teachers, doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows each year to improve their professional knowledge of higher education teaching and apply for the HEA Fellowship.
Higher education accreditation for teaching has gradually established its own training content and lecturer team in Taiwan in recent years. In addition to Advance HE and its global strategic partners, as well as the NYCU Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, there is also continuous support and dedication from training teachers who return to share their teaching experiences from NCYU, NTHU, and NCKU! Through learner-centered, active learning instructional design and cooperation with cross-discipline teachers, develop a diverse and innovative teaching methods.
In addition to adhering to the constructive alignment, The curriculum design of international higher education training, also actively connects the core skills and graduate attributes of professionals in various fields. Through training, participating teachers develop cross-disciplinary cooperation and teacher communities over time, conduct continuous teaching reflections, teaching adjustments, and feedback, inspire students’ motivation and interest in learning, and jointly create and improve the effectiveness of higher education teaching.