In October 2013, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University established ewant, the first massive open online course (MOOC) platform in Taiwan.
This platform assists higher education institutions in Taiwan in advertising and promoting their MOOCs and has currently signed collaboration agreements with 100 universities and academic units in Taiwan and abroad. The collaborating institutions include National Tsing Hua University, National Cheng Kung University, National Palace Museum, National Library of Public Information, and many more. Currently, ewant is the largest MOOC platform in Taiwan providing services to schools that offer MOOCs and to people considering attending such courses.
Since its establishment in 2013, ewant has accumulated over 350,000 registered users. Over 10,000 users access learning programs through the platform each week, including high school students who engage in self-learning, high school teachers who utilize MOOCs to teach their students, college students who enroll in general education courses in other universities, civil servants who engage in in-service training in their spare time, office workers who are pursuing a secondary expertise or self-development, older adults who continue to challenge themselves, and Chinese-speaking people/students from overseas. The platform provides suitable courses to users of diverse backgrounds.
Through perseverance and dedication, the ewant platform and its collaborating partners are dismantling the boundaries between people of different educational levels, age groups, geographical regions, and countries, encouraging individuals worldwide to engage in lifelong learning.
Link to the ewant platform is as follows: