NYCU Research Centre with Focus on Sustainability


Yang-Ming Campus

基礎研究類 Basic Research (SDG 3)

臨床研究類 Clinical Research (SDG 3)

社區服務類 Community Service (SDG 3、SDG 11)

產學合作類 Cooperation Projects (SDG 3、SDG 9)

Chiao-Tung Campus

一級研究中心 (SDG 4)



電子資訊研究中心Microelectronics and Information Research Center (MIRC) (SDG 9)

電機學院 College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SDG 9) 

資訊學院 College of Computer Science (SDG 9)

工學院 College of Electrical and Computer Engineering (SDG 9)

理學院 College of Science (SDG 4) 

管理學院 College of Management (SDG 8、SDG 9、SDG 17)

人文社會學院 College of Humanities and Social Sciences (SDG 3 、SDG 11、SDG17)

科技法律學院 School of Law (SDG 16、SDG 17)


[12/3 Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World

[Dec 03 (Tue) Lecture in Mandarin] Gender, Power, and Knowledge: How Feminist Theory Illuminates the Connections Between Body, Mind, and World|Ting-Wei Chang|Gender OPEN MIC, Open Your Mind|LACSPEC A-Wei’s morning begins with a mirror. At the vanity table, ze carefully shapes hir brows and selects a lipstick that matches hir mood.