Taiwan and Japan Join Forces to Boost Semiconductor Industry-Academia Collaboration: Kyushu University and NYCU Establish Joint Lab; Hokkaido University Form Joint Research Team


Kyushu University President Tatsuro Ishibashi (left) and NYCU President Chi-Hung Lin (right) signed a memorandum of understanding during a press conference on June 27.

To enhance human resource development in the semiconductor field, which has garnered significant attention due to the presence of Taiwan’s semiconductor giant TSMC in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) will establish a joint laboratory this August at Kyushu University’s Ito Campus (Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City). Hokkaido University will also form a research team with NYCU and is considering initiating joint research projects.

Building a Joint Laboratory with Kyushu University: Strengthening Human Resource Development

Kyushu University and NYCU signed an exchange agreement with the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) last September, focusing on semiconductors, smart vehicles, and green energy (Read More: A Tripartite MoU Signed by NYCU, ITRI and Kyushu University). To further promote research in these fields, Kyushu University and NYCU signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on June 27 to establish a joint research laboratory dedicated to the semiconductor field. This initiative aims to enhance human resource development and industry-academia collaboration through joint research in the semiconductor sector.

At the outset, the laboratory will involve three professors from the two universities. Plans include expanding the scale, developing the joint laboratory into a hub for industry-academia collaboration, and supporting participation from Kyushu or businesses in transactions related to TSMC.

At the press conference at Kyushu University, President Tatsuro Ishibashi stated, “Kyushu is currently experiencing a semiconductor boom. We hope to advance this collaboration to avoid falling behind.” NYCU President Chi-Hung Lin emphasized, “Our two universities are in complementary positions. We can achieve more than ever before and jointly cultivate innovative talents capable of addressing the complex problems of the 21st century.”

Moreover, Hokkaido University and NYCU signed a cooperation agreement at a seminar on June 25, establishing a research collaboration framework focused on the semiconductor field. Researchers from both universities will form a team and are considering initiating joint research projects.

Forming a Research Team with Hokkaido University: Leveraging Both Schools’ Strengths to Create New Industry Opportunities

In 2013, National Chiao Tung University signed an inter-university agreement with Hokkaido University. Following the merger of National Yang Ming University and National Chiao Tung University, connections were re-established. This recent agreement will provide an opportunity to deepen cooperation in more specific fields, such as semiconductors.

This agreement can create opportunities for students and researchers at Hokkaido University to learn semiconductor manufacturing while working remotely. NYCU has a system where students can participate in semiconductor manufacturing training online. After online learning, they will lead joint research projects in Taiwan. On the other hand, Hokkaido University has strengths in materials such as gallium arsenide for compound semiconductors. These materials are expected to undergo microfabrication at NYCU.

Additionally, the two universities plan to strengthen research in biology and medicine. In Hokkaido, establishing healthcare systems in remote areas is also a challenge. The use of high-speed communication environments and information technology will be indispensable in the future. NYCU President Chi-Hung Lin stated, “Based on advanced semiconductors, we can develop artificial intelligence and other information technologies and apply them to the medical field.”

Hokkaido University Vice President Akihiro Murayama also expressed high hopes, stating, “If we expand not only the field of semiconductor manufacturing but also the areas where semiconductors are used, there is a possibility that new industries will emerge at Hokkaido University.”

Kyushu University, Hokkaido University, and NYCU have established joint laboratories and research teams to promote innovation in the semiconductor industry. These collaborations integrate industry, academia, and research, fostering talent with international perspectives and advanced skills. This partnership will boost economic and technological growth in Taiwan and Japan, addressing future challenges and achieving mutual benefits.

Hokkaido University President Kiyohiro Houkin (right) and NYCU President Chi-Hung Lin (left) signed the agreement at a seminar on June 25.

For More InformationNYCU Official Website Link


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