Sustainable Achievements

Cross-domain, diverse, practical education inspires large-scale project planning to enter international competitions

The project “NYCU Vulpes Racing Aerodynamics Development Plan” promoted by the 2021 Innovative Creative Technology (ICT) was created by a cross-disciplinary group called the “NVR Vulpes Car Manufacturing Team”, This team will participate in Formula SAE Japan (FSAEJ) in September this year, proving that Taiwan also has multi-domain car-manufacturing talent


Encouraging teachers to communicate across domains and continue to grow as educators

To maintain the professional quality of teaching and provide students with a high-quality learning experience, the NYCU Center of Teaching and Learning Development encourages teachers to form teacher communities, promote community-based positive support and self-growth in the teaching field, and carry out cross-domain teaching development and experience exchange to continuing


International-higher education accreditation for teaching, continuously improving knowledge of professional higher education teaching of doctoral-level talent

Since 2018, the university has become the 50th international partner of the UK Advance HE. It is the only university in Taiwan that conducts systematic training and certification in accordance with international professional standards for higher education teaching. It combines international higher education theories and trends with the current situation


A Friendly, Safe and Accessible Campus

The Yangming Campus has created the “Yangming EASY GO-Electronic Map of Building Accessibility Facilities on Campus”, and conducted a site survey with reference to the latest “Code for Design of Accessible Facilities in Buildings” issued by the Ministry of the Interior on January 4, 2018. There were 353 places that