Decent Work and Economic Growth
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity, encourage the growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, protect labour rights, achieve equal pay for work of equal value, and reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.
NYCU Was Awarded by MOE for Excellent Environmental Protection and Disaster Prevention Practices
In order to promote campus environmental protection, occupational safety and health management, and disaster prevention and rescue work of colleges and universities, the MOE implements requisite environmental protection and occupational safety and health related laws and regulations, and established a comprehensive campus environment and safety management system for colleges and
NYCU Won Four Awards in APSAA and TSAA
This year, two teams representing NYCU achieved outstanding results at the Asia-Pacific and Taiwan Sustainable Action Awards (APSAA) organized by the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy. Among 247 TSAA and 63 APSAA submissions, NYCU won four major awards. The most recognizable, however, is the submission “The Making of Hsinchu Living
Over 350,000 Users Registered in Ewant, NYCU’s First MOOC Platform
In October 2013, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University established ewant, the first massive open online course (MOOC) platform in Taiwan. This platform assists higher education institutions in Taiwan in advertising and promoting their MOOCs and has currently signed collaboration agreements with 100 universities and academic units in Taiwan