Quality Education

Defend everyone’s right to education, increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and build inclusive and effective learning environments and education facilities.

Building an interdisciplinary and diverse practical education by providing competitive resources to create more possibilities

The Innovative Creative Technology (ICT) is the core of our school’s practical courses. Through the design of interdisciplinary courses and the establishment of a wide-ranging experimental space at the school level, it realizes various possibilities for cross-domain learning and collaborative creation. Until 2022, ICT created a total of seven major


Improve teaching quality and create innovative teaching models.

In order to adjust classroom teaching to the learning requirments of students, our school encourages teachers to offer motivating teaching plans, implement flipped teaching, and establish a high-quality learning environment. The themes include teaching practice research, interdisciplinary collaborative teaching, and improving teaching effectiveness. Teachers use a variety of teaching techniques


Encourage teachers to engage in interdisciplinary communication and improve their teaching skills continuously.

In order to maintain the professional quality of teaching and provide students a high-quality learning experience, our school annually encourages teachers to voluntarily form communities, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, combining teaching experiences from different fields to drive innovative teaching strategies and applications, as well as interdisciplinary research development, breaking free from


Breaking Geographical Boundaries through Distance Learning

Our school has several campuses and advantages, facilitating a healthy environment for the sharing of educational resources through distance learning. We are actively equipping educational facilities in various campus buildings with highly interactive distance learning equipment, including tracking cameras and advanced tools to ensure the optimal quality of distance education.


Enhance the Effectiveness of Clinical Internship Education by Bilateral Meetings

The internship course is a practical learning program that adapt to the professional competences. For students majoring in medical, clinical internship courses are mandatory prerequisites for national examinations. Once the clinical internship training is completed, students are eligible to participate in specialized national examinations for occupational and technical professionals. After