Quality Education

Defend everyone’s right to education, increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship, and build inclusive and effective learning environments and education facilities.

Members of our school’s women’s tennis team participated in the ESG competition and received the Best Proposal Project Team award in the TSMC group.

The 2nd “ACT Dreamer ESG Impact Project” invited four companies, TSMC, Far EasTone, Advantech Co., Ltd., and American Mary Kay Corporation to propose and implement an executable and replicable ESG project and to invite young students to participate in it. Among them, the challenge for the TSMC group was “how


Promoting digital teaching to help students regain their learning motivation, the National High School Vocational Teacher Digital Empowerment Training Program is launched

In order to improve the digital teaching ability of high school teachers in Taiwan, NYCU, and Chihlee University of Technology jointly promoted the “National High School Vocational Teacher Digital Empowerment Training Program”, created with reference to the Digital Competence Framework for Educators proposed by the EU Science Hub to design


Hsuan Kun Yang Fan and Jade Admissions Offer Higher Education Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students

To provide more opportunities for disadvantaged students to improve their circumstances through higher education, NYCU’s undergraduate individual admission channel established the “Hsuan Kun Yang Fan Recruitment” and “Jade Admissions” programs, which provide separate rubrics for disadvantaged students with lower screening standards, simplified selection processes, and lower registration fees to increase