Enterprises strongly support the launch of a project to support Ukrainian students who intend to study in Taiwan

Since the Russo-Ukrainian war was kindled in late February (2022), the flames of war have continued to rage. To offer a helping hand to Ukrainian students who have interrupted their…

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A Lively “International Day”, Promoting Integration and Tolerance of Multiculturalism on Campus

A Lively “International Day”, Promoting Integration and Tolerance of Multiculturalism on Campus

The "International Day" event, first held in 2007, in the Chiaotung Campus of NYCU has become an annual campus-wide event. The purpose of the event is to promote cross-cultural interaction…

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NYCU Launches a Relief Subsidy Program for International Students to Help Them Overcome Epidemic Difficulties

In order to assist international students on campus in overcoming the difficulties during the epidemic,  NYCU establishes various disease prevention initiatives to address the needs of international students to lessen…

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NYCU Student Organization with Focus on Sustainability

List of NYCU Student Organization with Focus on Sustainability Academic and educational organizations 設計思考社 Design & Thinking Club(SDG 9) 創新創業社 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club (SDG 9) 幼幼社 UU Club (SDG…

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