2025 NYCU Sustainability Market – Anniversary Event

The annual anniversary celebration of NYCU is just around the corner! This year’s theme, "Leading the Way," symbolizes the university’s leadership across various fields and its mission to guide students…

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2025 NYCU Sustainable Development Project Application

In order to facilitate UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to strengthen the implementation of University Social Responsibility (USR) and to assist USR related course and service-learning group for phase 4…

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Neutral platform to discuss issues NYCU values academic freedom and freedom of expression. 1. The university's social media accounts provide a space for the free exchange of opinions without censorship.…

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Participation in government research 1. The university’s departments and schools frequently collaborate on projects with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and…

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Policy- and lawmakers outreach and education 1. NYCU offers part-time advanced degrees and allows policymakers, lawmakers, and the public to take individual credit courses. The School of Law has excelled…

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Provide expert advice to government. The university's faculty members are actively engaged in government affairs, providing expert opinions at all levels. 1. NYCU faculty members assist more than 350 government…

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Academic freedom policy 1. NYCU issued the Statement on Academic Freedom in 2021, ensuring the protection of academic freedom for faculty and researchers, including the freedom to teach and conduct…

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University principles on corruption and bribery 1. NYCU has issued the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Anti-Corruption Statement as an overarching policy to address anti-corruption efforts. 2. In 2022,…

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Participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement 1. Since 2018, NYCU's SPROUT Project has aimed to identify and engage local stakeholders and communities, addressing a wide range of local needs. One notable…

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Identify and engage with local stakeholders 1. The university has formulated the Guidelines for the Establishment and Operation of the Stakeholders Management Task Force to identify and engage with local…

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